- [S7] Population Census Schedule, Bureau of the Census, Washington, District of Columbia, 9th Census of the United States: 1870.
- [S8] 1880 Population Census Schedule, Bureau of the Census, Washington, District of Columbia, 10th Census of the United States: 1880 (film no.?) 1254345.
- [S9] Olga A L C Lutz, compiler, 'Remembering' Cornelius -Dietzel Descendants Genealogy (Maquoketa, Iowa: Econ-Line Printers, 1975).

- [S10] Olga A L C Lutz, compiler, History and Genealogy of the Cornelius-Dietzel Descendants in America (Polson, Montana: Treasure State Publishing Company, September 1965) (hereinafter Cornelius-Dietzel Descendants).

- [S11] Olga A L C Lutz, "Supplement # 11," Cornelius Reunion Annual Supplement, Cornelius-Gabel-Hildebrandt Reunion, 11 (Aug 1976) (hereinafter "Cornelius Reunion Supplement # 11").
- [S178] "The Cornelius' Family at Unterellen", circa 1990, Eugene A Cornelius and Klaus Fischer (unknown author address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address); unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Cornelius Family at Unterellen."
- [S269] Salem Lutheran Church, Letter from.
- [S270] Letter from Olga Anna Louisa Cornelius Lutz, 11 Sep 1990 .
- [S352] Obituary of Edna L. Bruscher, Le Mars (IA) Daily Sentinel, Le Mars, Iowa, 8 May 2006 (hereinafter Le Mars Sentinel obituary of Edna Bruscher).
- [S356] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll. Hereinafter cited as WWI draft registrations.
- [S367] Obituary of Louise (Gabel) Sisler, Jackson Sentinel, Maquoketa, Iowa, 28 Jun 1894, reprinted on iagenweb.org, Online http://iagenweb.org/boards/jackson/obituaries/index.cgi, June 21, 1894 (hereinafter Jackson Sentinel, 28 Jun 1894, reprinted on iagenweb.org).
- [S391] Obituary of William C Gabel, Jackson Sentinel, Maquoketa, Iowa, 12 Feb 1943, reprinted on iagenweb.org, legacy.com, Online http://iagenweb.org/boards/jackson/obituaries/index.cgi, 1943 (hereinafter Jackson Sentinel, 12 Feb 1943, reprinted on iagenweb.org).
- [S392] 1 Jun 1900 Population Census Schedule, Bureau of the Census, Washington, District of Columbia, 12th Census of the United States: 1900.
- [S398] Andrew news, Jackson Sentinel, Maquoketa IA (29 Nov 1921),.
- [S403] 15 Apr 1910 Population Census Schedule, Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of the Census, Washington, District of Columbia, 13th Census of the United States: 1910, Microfilm series T624.
- [S404] 1 Jan 1920 Population Census Schedule, Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Washington, District of Columbia, 14th Census of the United States: 1920, Microfilm series T625,.
- [S416] 1 Apr 1930 Population Census Schedule, Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Washington, District of Columbia, 15th Census of the United States: 1930.
- [S417] 1 Apr 1940 Population Census Schedule, Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Washington, District of Columbia, 16th Census of the United States: 1940.
- [S420] Unknown household, 1925 State of Iowa Census Record, unknown location, Iowa, State Census Collection, 1836-1925, North Carolina Genealogical Services Library 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.
- [S458] Eugene Albert Cornelius, Naturalization petitions, 13021 (14 Nov 1960); unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S461] "Curriculum Vitae of Eugene Albert Cornelius, M.D. Ph.D.," (C.V., 1991; unknown location); unknown repository reference, Private records collection of Wayne Cornelius; Raleigh, North Carolina (hereinafter "C.V. of Eugene Albert Cornelius").
- [S466] Unknown household, 1885 State of Iowa Census Record, State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa, Iowa, State Census 1885, North Carolina Genealogical Services Library 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.
- [S595] Provo UT, USA, 2014 Ancestry.com, online unknown url, unknown author (unknown location).
- [S616] Provo UT, USA Ancestry.com, online unknown url, unknown author (unknown location), downloaded 2014.
- [S763] Obituary of Fredericka Peters Ostert, Jackson Sentinel, Maquoketa, Iowa, 5 March 1920, page 7, reprinted on iagenweb.org, iagenweb.org/jackson, Online http://iagenweb.org/boards/jackson/obituaries/index.cgi, 5 Mar 1920, 7 (hereinafter Jackson Sentinel, 5 March 1920, page 7, iagenweb.org).
- [S849] Warranty Deed from Geo. Schultz, 1871, Jackson County Register of Deeds, Maquoketa, Iowa. Hereinafter cited as Warranty Deed from Geo. Schultz.
- [S851] Warranty Deed from John and Emma Demuth, 1884, 50, Jackson County Register of Deeds, Maquoketa, Iowa. Hereinafter cited as Warranty Deed from John and Emma Demuth.
- [S852] Warranty Deed from Henry and Louise Oberman, 1886, 50, Jackson County Register of Deeds, Maquoketa, Iowa. Hereinafter cited as Warranty Deed from Henry and Louise Oberman, 1886.
- [S853] Warranty Deed from J H and Anna Reistroffer, 1897, 63, Jackson County Register of Deeds, Maquoketa, Iowa. Hereinafter cited as Warranty Deed from J H and Anna Reistroffer.
- [S854] Warranty Deed 1 March 1916, Jackson County Register of Deeds, Maquoketa, Iowa. Hereinafter cited as Warranty Deed 1 March 1916.
- [S856] Warranty Deed to Lewis and Wilhelmina Cornelius 24 Sep 1917, vol. 72, Jackson County Register of Deeds, Maquoketa, Iowa (hereinafter Warranty Deed to Lewis Cornelius et ux.).
- [S1746] Minnie Eichler, State Vital Record (death certificate) No. A7-470, 11-18-1936, Iowa Death and Burial Records, 1880-1904, 1921-195, ancestry.com, State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa.
- [S1748] Provo UT, USA Ancestry.com, online unknown url, unknown author (unknown location).
- [S2035] Petra Dietzel, "Email messages re: Cornelius-Dietzel Ahnenliste Jon Cornelius," e-mail message from P.Dietzel (unknown address) to Jon Cornelius, 11 Sep 2021 (hereinafter "Cornelius-Dietzel Ahnenliste Jon Cornelius").
- [S2054] John Sabold Gabel entry, U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards 1942, Gabel, John Sabold, Record Group 147, Series M2097, National Archives at St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri (hereinafter WW II Draft Registration of John Sabold Gabel).
- [S2055] Clay Smith Database, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader, May 20, '65.
- [S2056] "Record Book #3, Salem Lutheran Church, Andrew, Iowa, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Records, 1888-1944," (MS, 1889; ancestry.com); unknown repository reference, Archives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Archives of the ELCA, Elk Grove Village, Illinois (hereinafter "Salem Lutheran Church, Andrew, Iowa").
- [S2090] 1 Apr 1950 Population Census Schedule, Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Record Group 29, National Archives, 1950 Census of Population and Housing.
- [S2135] Minnie Eichler, Find A Grave memorial, Fairview Cemetery, 611 Fairview Avenue, Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa;, 1936, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/74640512
- [S2152] Eugene Albert Cornelius, Find A Grave memorial, Westminster of Yale Cemetery, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticutt;, 2016, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/211529727
- [S2294] Fred Eichler entry, U.S. World War I Draft Registration Card 1917-1918, for Fred Eichler, Registration State: Iowa; Registration County: Black Hawk, U. S. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, District of Columbia (hereinafter Fred Eichler WW I Draft Registration).
- [S2303] "Record Book #2, Salem Lutheran Church, Andrew, Iowa, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Records, 1875-1890," (MS, 1875-1890; ancestry.com); unknown repository reference, Archives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Archives of the ELCA, Elk Grove Village, Illinois (hereinafter "Salem Lutheran Church, Andrew, Iowa").
- [S2311] Joh Cornelius entry; Bark Maryland Arriving Passenger List, 22 Jun 1867; in Arrival at New York, USA; Microfilm M37, 1820-1897, List no. 624, line 13 (online: ancestry.com), Ship Maryland,.
- [S2333] John Cornelius and Ludwig Möller entry; Dampfschiff Columbia Departing Passenger List, 31 Okt 1895; in Direkt Band 091; Staatsarchiv Hamburg, (Auswanderungsamt I). Mikrofilmrollen K 1701 - K 2008, S 17363 - S 17383, 13116 - 13183. (online: ancestry.com), Volume: 373-7 I, VIII A 1 Band 091.
- [S2639] Joseph Edgar Hoover & Anna Margaretha Hose, Return of Marriages Record Book, marriage return Jan 24, 1889, Jackson County, Iowa, year ending Oct. 1 1890: License no. 190: page 49-629, Iowa Department of Public Health, Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa.
- [S2642] Conrad Cornelius entry; Steam Ship Donau Arriving Passenger List, 1876 September 18; in Arrival at New York, USA; Microfilm Serial or NAID: M237, 1820-1897 (online: ancestry.com), Ship Donau.
- [S2643] Eliza Hose Cornelius, Death Certificate no. 148, 12/27/1932, Iowa Department of Public Health, Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa.
- [S2644] Henry Hose entry; Steam Ship California Arriving Passenger List, 21 May 1880; in Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at; Microfilm Serial or NAID: M237, 1820-1897 (Provo, UT: Ancestry.com), Ship ID California.
- [S2645] Adam Hose, death certificate no. 2555, file date n/a, Washington State Archives Death Index 1940-2017, Washington State Archives, Olympia, Washington.
- [S2646] Magdalena Kramer, Death Certificate No. 49-067, Nov 18, 1921, State Historical Society of Iowa, State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa.