- [S39] Olga A L C Lutz, "Supplement # 24," Cornelius Reunion Annual Supplement, Cornelius-Gabel-Hildebrandt Reunion, 24 (Aug 1989) (hereinafter "Cornelius Reunion Supplement # 24").
- [S40] Olga A L C Lutz, "Supplement # 25," Cornelius Reunion Annual Supplement, Cornelius-Gabel-Hildebrandt Reunion, 25 (Aug 1990) (hereinafter "Cornelius Reunion Supplement # 25").
- [S90] 1880 Census-United States, North Carolina Genealogical Services Library, T9-1446,.
- [S142] Public Notice of Proof of Will Without Administration for Reva E. Burmahl., Maquoketa Sentinel-Press, Maquoketa, Iowa, Nov. 14, 1998, page 22.
- [S247] The World Almanac, 1983.
- [S249] Report from Irene A. Arnold, 30 July 1991.
- [S251] Archives of E.L.C.A., biographical data of Alvin G H Fritschel.
- [S254] Letter from Lawrence Cornelius, 15 Sep 1991 sent to Wayne Cornelius.
- [S257] Archives of E.L.C.A., biiographical data of Emil John Kruger.
- [S258] Paul Carl Gerhard Lutz.
- [S265] Letter from Marie Gesang, Förtha b/ Eisenach (Thr.), Germany, Russian Zone, den 6.6.1948, sent to Charles Cornelius [Bertha Cornelius], R.R. 4, Bellevue, Iowa.
- [S266] Letter from Fam. Fritz Gesang, Förtha ... Eisenach (75) Thüringen Germany, 23.3.1947 sent to Charles Cornelius [Bertha Cornelius], R.R. 4, Bellevue, Iowa.
- [S309] Memorial, Bertha N. Dunlap, 6 Jan 2004, Murdoch Funeral Home, Marion IA. http://obit.murdochfuneralhome.com/obit_display.cgi, accessed 12 Jan. 2004.

- [S337] Teddy Johnson/Jennifer Johnson Family, online http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi. Hereinafter cited as Teddy Johnson Family.
- [S344] Olga Cornelius Lutz, compiler, Andrew: The Way It Was And Is (n.p.: Olga Cornelius Lutz, 1976). Hereinafter cited as Andrew Bicentennial History Book.
- [S362] William Burmahl & Alice Mae Nicolaisen, newspaper clipping, marriage date 15 Dec 1931, IAGenWeb Project, Jackson County (online), http://iagenweb.org/boards/jackson
- [S371] Obituary of Laura Bolt 1887-1954, Jackson Sentinel, Maquoketa, Iowa, 18 Jun 1954, reprinted on iagenweb.org, iagenweb.org/jackson, Online http://iagenweb.org/boards/jackson/obituaries/index.cgi, 1954 (hereinafter Jackson Sentinel, 18 Jun 1954, reprinted on iagenweb.org).
- [S449] Edward C. Gesang; Kansas Registration Affidavits of Alien Enemies, 1917-1918; NARA Microfilm M1997; Ancestry.com.
- [S451] Edward Carl Gesang entry, U.S. World War I Draft Registration Card 1917-1918, U. S. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, District of Columbia (hereinafter Edward Gesang WW I Draft Registration).
- [S495] Index of Wisconsin deaths, unknown file number, Wisconsin Death Index, 1959-1997, unknown series (Provo, UT: Ancestry.com Operations, 2007). Oregon State Library; Oregon Death Indexes, 1971-2008; Reel Title: State of Oregon Death Index; Year Range: 2008
Source Information
Ancestry.com. Oregon, Death Index, 1898-2008 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2000.
Original data: State of Oregon. Oregon Death Index, 1903-1998. Salem, OR, USA: Oregon State Archives and Records Center.
Oregon Death Indexes, 1903-1970. Salem, OR, USA: Oregon State Library.
Oregon Death Indexes, 1971-2008. Salem, OR, USA: Oregon State Library. (hereinafter cited as WIDI). - [S496] Index of Veterans deaths, unknown file number, U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death file, 1850-2010, unknown series (Provo, UT: Ancestry.com Operations, 2011). Source Information:
Ancestry.com. U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.
Original data: Beneficiary Identification Records Locator Subsystem (BIRLS) Death File. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. - [S503] Pastors of SS. Peter & Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Castle Grove, Iowa, 100th Anniversary, online unknown url. Hereinafter cited as Pastors of SS. Peter & Paul Church of Castle Grove.
- [S504] A. Hugo Lutz gravestone photo image, Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, https://iowagravestones.org; unknown reader, 3/19/2012.
- [S505] Florence C Lutz gravestone photo image, Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, https://iowagravestones.org; unknown reader, 3/19/2012.
- [S508] Unknown name of person entry; S.S. Kaiser Wilhelm II Electronic Database, 21 Sep 1909; in Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957; 1340 (Provo, UT: Ancestry.com), T715 or A3461 and others.
- [S524] Obituary of Francis A. Trinka, Johnson Funeral Home, Waconia, Minnesota, June 12, 2015, https://www.johnsonfh.com/obituary/3191429 (hereinafter cited as Johnson Funeral Home).
- [S579] Unknown household, 1895 unknown record type, unknown location, Kansas, State Census Collection, 1855-1925, unknown repository unknown repository address.
- [S842] Family News, Maquoketa Sentinel-Press, Maquoketa, IA (September 19 2018),.
- [S857] Janie Mae Imming James Christoph Cornelius Electronic Form, 6 Nov 2018 William Charles Cornelius,.
- [S861] D S, "Email message about W K Enix, 11 Nov 2018," e-mail message from D S (unknown address) to Wayne Cornelius, 11 Nov 2018 (hereinafter cited as "W K Enix Info").
- [S902] Otto Kruger & Martha Lenser, Probate Court Marriage Record, Feb 25, 1898, Stanton County, license no. 10: 117, Nebraska State Libraries and Archives, Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, Nebraska.
- [S928] Family News, page 7, Maquoketa Sentinel-Press, Maquoketa, IA (February 16, 2019),.
- [S942] Otto Hermann Kruger entry, U.S. Passport Application of Otto Hermann Kruger in 1912, Roll 0160, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Otto Hermann Kruger Passport Applic.
- [S1934] Sophia Bose; Kansas Registration Affidavits of Alien Enemies, 1917-1918; NARA Microfilm M1997; Ancestry.com.
- [S1935] "Record Book, Christ Lutheran Church, Gaylord, Kansas, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Records, 1781-1969," (MS, 1875-1940; ancestry.com); unknown repository reference, unknown repository; unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Christ Lutheran Church, Gaylord, Kansas."
- [S2038] Land-Addreßbuch des Eisenacher Kreises - Band I (n.p.: H. Kahle A. S., 1927). Hereinafter cited as Land-Addreßbuch des Eisenacher Kreises - Band I.
- [S2053] Peters Ancestry Family Tree (public), online https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/13847705/family/…. Hereinafter cited as peters Family Tree.
- [S2064] Vivian E Larsen, 504-28-6898, Vivian E Larsen in the U. S. Social Security Death Index, unknown series (n.p.: n.pub.) (hereinafter cited as Vivian E Larsen in Social Security Death Index).
- [S2120] Emanuel Wieland, Find A Grave memorial, Saint Lukes Lutheran Cemetery, Streeter, Stutsman County, North Dakota;, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/35287646
- [S2121] Barbara Veil Wieland, Find A Grave memorial, Saint Lukes Lutheran Cemetery, Streeter, Stutsman County, North Dakota;, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/35287647
- [S2122] Frieda Wieland, Find A Grave memorial, Saint Lukes Lutheran Cemetery, Streeter, Stutsman County, North Dakota;, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/35287648
- [S2306] Louis Radloff entry, Burial Record of Ludwig Radloff at St. John Lutheran Church, St. Donatus, Iowa, 1867, Church Record Book I, Burials, 1864-1868, Wayne Leslie Cornelius, Archives of the ELCA, 8765 W. Higgins Road, Chicago, Illinois. Hereinafter cited as Burial Record of Ludwig Radloff.
- [S2308] William T Scott & Eunice M Harwood, Marriaage Record, 4 May 1890, page 39-516, Iowa Department of Public Health, Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa.
- [S2310] Wm Sausland (Suchsland) entry; Bark Maryland Arriving Passenger List, 22 Jun 1867; in Arrival at New York, USA; Microfilm M37, 1820-1897, List no. 624, line 14 (online: ancestry.com), Ship Maryland,.
- [S2343] "Record Book, Saint John Lutheran Church, St. Donatus, Iowa , Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Records, 1875-1940. Adam Möller family," (MS, 1875-1940; ancestry.com); unknown repository reference, Archives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Archives of the ELCA, Elk Grove Village, Illinois. Hereinafter cited as "Saint John Lutheran Church, St. Donatus, Iowa."
- [S2355] "Lloyd F Kreger", Transcription from electronic file; U. S. Army Enlistment Records 1938-1946; National Archives at College Park, College Park, Maryland. Seq. cit. "Lloyd F Kreger World War II Enlistment Record."
- [S2766] Wayne Marvin Enix & Laura Mae Jones, state marriage certificate, filed 28 December 1955, Marriage Book 4, certificate no. 2788: page 479, Wyoming Marriage Records, 1869-1972, Wyoming Department of Health, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
- [S2904] Laura Chamas-Ortega 47836356, "Find a Grave edit suggestions about Reva Dollery, findagrave.com," from Find a Grave (unknown address) to Wayne Cornelius , 9 Dec 2024.
- [S2905] Reva Elmore Dollery, Birth Registration Serial no. 006044 (Birth date Apr 16/(19)13), Ontario, Canada, Births 1832-1917, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- [S2907] Alfred Charles Tompkins & Reva Elmore Dollery, Marriage Certificate, file date May 8 1939, Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1826-1942, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.